End of January, we invited potential volunteer team leaders for an online information meeting. More than 60 interested volunteers engaged in the meeting.
We were excited to explain the potential volunteers the opportunities in this amazing event. Most of the potential volunteers are from the local Canoe Club (Silkeborg Kajak Klub), however also volunteers from the recent Sprint World Championships in Copenhagen were listening in.
“We are excited that so many volunteers have showed their interests”, says local event manager Lars Damgaard. “The next steps are to figure out which volunteers are best suited for which roles. We have a lot of work to get done in the next months”.
“During the event we will need about 200 volunteers. More than 50 of these will have leading roles”, says the event manager in the Danish Canoe Federation, Ulla Pedersen. “In Denmark, the success of events depends a lot on the volunteers. Fortunately, we have some great volunteers in canoeing”.
We still need to fill some of the roles however, we are well underway. If you are Danish speaking please have a look at the opportunities here. It is not translated into English yet however, please email us if you have an interest in volunteering. All our volunteers are unpaid however, we offer catering and event clothing to all volunteers during the championships.