We are looking forward to welcoming you to Vejen for the 2023 ICF Canoe Marathon World Championships.
The official booking of accommodation is now open: https://sportscenter-danmark.nemtilmeld.dk/1/
Please note that you will only find airport shuttle and venue shuttle busses to and from our official ECA Canoe Marathon Hotels.
The accommodation package fee will include:
Excluding: Airport transfer
Please use this booking page for booking your accommodation package.
If you arrange your own accommodation please remember to pay for your participation fee/accreditation by sending an email with your country name, contact information, name of participants and amount of days to: 2023@kano-kajak.dk.
Please use the online entry system (SDP) of the ICF to submit nominal and numerical entries: https://icf.msl.es/icf/main.jsp (only for National Teams – Masters do not use this system).